Big Picture User Experience
Make AdminPager react to the user's options preference (i.e. no sound immediately), and persist for that user on a machine by machine basis.
Make AdminPager set the default Option to those stored in AD for the computer it is running on.
Update user doc with all AdminPager configuration options
Detailed Description
Currently, each user on the computer must set their sound preference, quit and restart the application in order to make the change persistent. Instead, AdminPager should default to settings configured in AD (which are off at install time) for the computer in question, and any changes to these settings are effective immediately, and persist for that user on that computer.
Acceptance Criteria
AdminPager on fresh install, sets the default option for all users to match those stored in the AD for the computer on which it was installed.
MVP - AdminPager sounds options defaults to off on install.
MVP - AdminPager makes changes to options effective immediately, without requiring a restart.
AdminPager remembers the per-user-per-computer settings for all options
AdminPager sections on configuration, which includes all methods for configuration.
Business Value
For large customers, and those with a large number of DSS users, the need to configure each user on each computer can be time consuming. By providing a way to configure the default by computer, we can eliminate the majority of the effort. Plus, it discourages the practice of modifying baseline files which are lost on the upgrade.
Many users find the 'blooping' noise of the AdminPager to be a tiring and incessant, and as a result, their solution was to remove the audio file itself. It was then pointed out by GCS that the .wav file can be replaced by one that is empty (devoid of actual sound), a commonly employed trick used in the customer base.
Eliminating this manual workaround reduces the TCO of upgrades.
OU and GPO versioning.
If the default is stored in AD, it must survive upgrades to the OU structure and GPO versioning.
Settings stored locally (per-user-per-computer) must survive upgrades. Any new AdminPager options will be communicated in the changes doc.