Big Picture User Experience
TransGas would like to have the ability to hide parked alarms from the alarm summary display. They use alarm parking extensively and feel that having the parked alarms shown on the display makes it more difficult for the operators to deal with the non-parked alarms as the alarm summary display is clustered with parked alarms.
Our baseline BLT provides the ability to filter for just the parked alarms, but it does not provide the ability to hide the parked alarms.
Detailed Description
Customer wants a way to filter out parked alarms from the alarm summary screen.
New baseline BLT, or modifications to existing baseline BLT
Screen developers will use the new or modified BLT to get a list of alarms that do not include alarms that are parked.
Alarm management is very important to all our customers, and there is increasing regulatory pressure in this area. Any customer making extensive use of alarm parking may choose to filter them out from their main display.
Project level BLTs can suffice in the short term, but maintaining baseline functionality in custom BLTs is not sustainable (similar to VDB overrides).
Project team will configure the baseline alarm summary display to take advantage of this feature.
Acceptance criteria
Screen builder is able to use a new BLT or a modified existing BLT to populate a summary screen with alarms that are not parked.
Business Value
Keeping pace with modern alarm management regulation is a very high priority for Midstream.
Target Version
Customer requested this for 2018 SP3. Portfolio to advise project to develop custom BLT for now, and expect it in baseline for their next upgrade.
We will aim for next major release with capacity to spare, currently 2023.
Customer, Project, and Deadline Details
All customers that use alarm parking today may choose to use this.
No time commitments have been made other than "in a future release".
Customers System / Architecture
Size: Small, Med, and Large
Topology: Single site, Multi-Site, and Enterprise
Out of Scope
Converting project displays to use the new/modified BLT is out of scope.
List of items specifically excluded from the scope. Listing relevant items here increases confidence in the resulting estimate.
Baseline alarm summary display will not use this feature by default.
This is just like the existing BLT for retrieving current alarms, with either a new option to indicate if parked alarms should be returned, or a new BLT that only ever returns non-parked alarms.
Baseline alarm summary screen
Future considerations
Default behaviour may switch to always filter out parked alarms.
PSR - Performance, Scalability, Resilience
What aspects are important (or assumed) for this feature?
Alarm update latency on the operator workstation
What if there are 10,000 of these?
Will match the number of active alarm summary screens currently being displayed.
How quickly is this expected to react/respond?
Same as current BLT
Does this impact failover / mode switch?
Is this assumed to have performance impact, or not?
NFR - Non-Functional Requirements
Operating System: that which is supported by the version it is implemented for.
Other AVEVA products: None.
3rd Party products: Alarm Analysis tools like TiPs should not be affected.
CPU / Memory / Disk requirements/constraints: Same as for the release.
This is seen as very low risk.
Architecture Review
None required.
Do we need a SPIKE?
With the release of the BLT developer documentation, perhaps this should remain a project custom BLT for now.